Owner: Greg White
Address: Apple Blossom Cattery, Cowbridge Road, Talygarn, nr Pontyclun CF72 9JU
Mobile 07855 475851
Facebook: /appleblossomcattery
Instagram: @ablossomcattery
Twitter ablossomcattery
Location – just a short 10 minutes drive from M4 J34.
Convenient for towns and villages such as Cowbridge, Pontyclun, Brynsadler, LLanhari, Llanharan, Llantrisant etc all around a 5 minutes drive away.
Bridgend 8 miles and 15 minutes and Cardiff at around 14 miles and 20 minutes.

We are very proud of our facilities and the services we provide and love to talk cats; as such you are most welcome to pop in during opening hours to view our facilities and talk to our staff. However, there are times when we will be busy such as feeding and cleaning times, so please phone first (07855 475851) and check to avoid disappointment.
Monday – Friday: 09:00 to 12:30 and 14:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 to 12:30 and 14:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 – 12:30
Public Holidays: 09:00 – 12:30
Please note that we are closed for admissions and collections on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years day and Easter Sunday. In exceptional circumstances, admissions and collections may be possible outside of these hours, please ask.